Here are some quotes about pandemic life curated from social media by Fast Company, BoredPanda, Buzzfeed, and Today:
“If you had asked me what the hardest part of battling a global pandemic would be, I would have never guessed, ‘teaching elementary school math.”’ – Simon Holland
“Homeschooling update day 9: Today we did maths. If you have three kids, and they are awake roughly 13 hours in the day, and you’re trying to work from home, how many times will you hear the word ‘snack’? – ThreeTimeDaddy
“Day 3 of quarantine and distance learning from home: 6-year-old writes biography titled, ‘Why I Hate My Family’” – Z
“My coworker suggested I work from his fort.” – Sam
“I know the C-Virus is scary but try working with a 4-year-old dressed like Spiderman perched on the kitchen table behind you whispering, ‘Can you hear me breathe?’” – Krista Myers Duzan
“The first hour of homeschooling started out strong, with some great reading comprehension exercises, and concluded with an epic tantrum over the fact that she can't watch Frozen 3 because it does not exist.” – Jeff Kosseff
“…been homeschooling a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old for one hour and 11 minutes. Teachers deserve to make a billion dollars a year. Or a week.” – Shonda
How is your homeschooling and/or remote work experience going?